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Buying an expensive video game console is always a big decision - especially when you know little about which one to buy. Don't make this decision in vain, take these factors into consideration. - Gaming Console Manufacturers: Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo all have their own strengths and weaknesses. They each run on different operating systems that can be a deciding factor in how many games will play on a specific console without being ported to the others OS. - Console Cost: The cost of a gaming console is probably the biggest thing you'll have to take into consideration when making your purchase decision. A console that costs around $150-200 can be a great deal, but is it worth the extra money for a console that includes more features and better graphics? - Multiplayer: Where you plan on playing your games. Gaming consoles marketed to the family market usually have limited multiplayer capabilities. Console games consoles with multiple controllers can make a great family addition, but most of these consoles don't have online gaming capabilities through Xbox Live or PSN. - Weight: This is a very important factor when choosing a video game console because it will affect how easily you can move from room to room in your house, how comfortable you would feel carrying around the console when taking it to friends' houses. - Price: The price of the console is an important factor because it will affect how much money you'll spend on games and other accessories for your gaming console. - Graphics: If you're a gamer, this should be one of your top considerations. High quality video games come with high quality video and sound, and there's nothing that will make a game more enjoyable than superb graphics and audio quality. This usually means paying extra for a high end gaming system like the Nintendo Wii U or an Xbox 360 over a Sony PlayStation 3 or Microsoft Xbox 360 (standard package). - Online Play: This is an important consideration for many gamers. Is your gaming console going to be hooked up to the Internet? If not, then the purchase of online games will be limited, but if you're planning on connecting to Xbox Live or PSN for multiplayer gaming experiences then this is a crucial factor in your console choice. - Battery Life: You'll be playing games on your new gaming console, and you won't want the batteries running out when you start playing. The batteries used by game controllers can run out faster than most people realize, so it's best to buy rechargeable batteries. "Source": SonyPlayStation3ConsoleXbox360OtherConsolesPS3Xbox360WiiUPS3Xbox360ConsoleXbox360PlayStation3NintendoWiiUNintendoPS4NintendoSwitchXboxOneNewGameSystemsGamingArticlesAboutTechnologyTipsOnHowToPlayTheGamesBetter Video game consoles are really becoming something special in the world. cfa1e77820